B+T was thrilled to participate in Bunker Hill Community College’s Career Poster Session! Several Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) employers came to campus to answer questions about AEC careers and answer student questions. B+T’s poster focused on land development civil engineering and surveying careers, and we were happy to talk with a number of students who are determining what field of study to pursue as well as those with already selected majors. We connected with students interested in the engineering and surveying fields, as well as those with other majors outside of AEC (anything from computer science to nursing and more). We even chatted with a student who used AutoCAD while working in retail to calculate area of fabric for orders and related it to how AutoCAD is used for surveying and lot areas in our industry! We were pleased to meet so many interesting students, and happy to help give them exposure to our industry which was the ultimate intent of the session. Thanks to B+T’s Nate Bautz for sharing not only career information, but also positivity, personal stories, and encouragement, which can go a long way in helping students find their path!
